Carver Resident Center, 520 Washington Avenue, 423-926-3269
The Carver Resident Council meets monthly on the second Saturday at 2:00 p.m. in the Carver Resident Center. All residents over 18 who are on the lease are members of the council. The Council works best when many different people get involved, so stop in or give us a call. The Council president represents our community on the Resident Advisory Board.
Resident Council Officers
President, Vacant
Vice President, Vacant
Secretary, Vacant
Treasurer, Vacant
Activity Director, Vacant
Summer Lunch Program
During the summer vacation, children under 18 get a free, nutritious lunch at the Center, 520 Washington Avenue.
For information about the five-year plan, or about JCHA policies, call Herman Fitzgerald, your Carver Resident Advisory Board member at 423-926-3269.